Who We Are

Serving Our Military, Veterans and Community


Established in 2013, when state level services for Military and Veterans was practically nonexistent, The Rhode Island Military Organization (RIMO) is a 100% volunteer local 501c3 non-profit that focuses all our resources and efforts in Rhode Island. 
Our motto, “Serving Our Military, Veterans and Community” says it all.



         (Click on picture for short Bio)

Timothy Howe – President

Dan Evangelista – Vice-President

Dan O’Toole – Treasurer 

Kevin Kavanaugh

Gary Powers

Paul Depetrillo


Chuck Pollock




Interested in Volunteering


Our organization currently has over 200 Volunteers that make our services possible.

But we need one more!

Want to Volunteer?
Simply complete the following:

  • Complete an on-line Airport Lounge Application (Click Here)
  • Attend a brief volunteer training session


Copy of our RIMO Volunteer Handbook


Rhode Island Military Organization
PO Box 7072
3205 Post Road
Warwick, RI 02886-7157



Visit the store for our official RIMO bling!