Tim Howe – President

A founding member of RIMO, Timothy has served as President since June, 2014.

In that time, RIMO has: 

    • served over 47,000 signed in guests at the Lounge

    • Assisted over 1,000 veterans enroll in their earned VA benefits

    • Assisted over 200 transitioning active duty military and veterans obtain gainful employment through networking

Timothy was born and raised by his mother in Providence, RI.  Enlisting in the US Army upon graduating from Hope High School in 1988.

Timothy utilized the VA Vocational Rehabilitation to attend college after a service connected injury deemed him unable to continue his career. 

He holds a BS in Business Management from University Wisconsin-Green Bay (2001) and Teacher Certification from Providence College (2004).

Tim is a 10 year US Army Cold War era veteran. As a Non Commissioned Officer in the Infantry, he participated in numerous deployments, graduated many skill and professional development courses.  He served with Quick Reactionary Force (QRF) units throughout his service.  Some highlights of service include an Arctic Light Warrior instructor with the 6th Infantry Division, Alaska and squad leader/training NCO with the 101st Airborne Division, Kentucky.

He served as Commander of the Warwick Disabled American Veterans (DAV) from 2010-2014 and DAV State Line Officer from 2012-2017.

Timothy is a secondary math teacher in an RI urban school district and currently serving on the Warwick City Council since January, 2017.

Tim and his wife of 31 years have two grown children and a grandson.